What is Experiential Learning?
Student application of theory, skills, techniques, and/or practices in a context that focuses on applications outside the traditional classroom but may also stem from a course assignment or project.
What are some examples of Experiential Learning?
Community-based service learning projects, Field Experiences, Student Teaching, Clinical Placement, Study Abroad, Capstone Experiences, and leadership roles in student organizations are examples of activities associated with Experiential Learning. Each experience includes intentional reflections completed at specific points in time relative to elements associated with each activity using prompts provided by the Experiential Learning Cycle framework (Kolb, 1984). Please visit QEP.valdosta.edu for examples of these reflective activities and for more resources explaining the Experiential Learning Cycle.
When should students complete experiential learning activities?
Students may complete Experiential Learning activities at any point during their studies at VSU. We are actively encouraging students to begin such activities in their first year to help prime them for larger, more complex activities in their upper-level courses.
What if you are not interested in adjusting your courses or developing new Experiential Learning-based courses? Will it be required for faculty?
Faculty will not be required to incorporate experiential learning activities into their courses. Experiential Learning is not appropriate for all models of instruction at VSU.
How do I learn more about Experiential Learning and other teaching strategies and techniques?
Please consider reviewing content provided by the VSU Center for e-Learning or attend one of their workshops. Learn more about these opportunities at https://www.valdosta.edu/celt/
Will funding be available for faculty seeking to offer Experiential Learning activities to students?
Yes, there will be a call for Experiential Learning Seed Grant applications during the Fall and Spring semesters. You can apply for grant funds in Fall for Spring activities and vice versa.
How do I apply to have an existing course activity or program be endorsed for Experiential Learning?
First, please review the QEP website for resources and the application for endorsing an Experiential Learning activity in a course or program. Go here to learn more about the application process: https://qep.valdosta.edu/experiential-learning-course-activity-or-program-endorsement/ If you have additional questions, please contact the QEP Coordinator, Colin Walker, at qep@valdosta.edu.