Academic Affairs
- 60 Course Activities endorsed for Experiential Learning
- Courses in Honors, Mass Media, English, Theatre, Music, Dance, Spanish, History, Health Sciences, Education, Biology, Nursing, Anthropology, Sociology, Computer Science, Music Education, Middle Grades Education, Art, Russian, and Math Education.
- 83 Total Course Sections endorsed for Experiential Learning
- 8 Total Seed Grants Awarded for a total of $21,265.35.
- View the 2022-23 Report of Accomplishments (PDF)
Over 1,440 Total Students participated in Course Activities endorsed for Experiential Learning!
Year 1 Goal: 10 Total Sections & 150 Total Students
Year 2 Goal: 20 Total Sections & 175 Total Students
Types of Experiences
- Fall 2022
- Goal 1 (Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry): 27
- Goal 2 (Global Citizenship): 5
- Goal 3 (Community-Based Service Learning): 8
- Spring 2023
- Goal 1 (Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry): 17
- Goal 2 (Global Citizenship): 5
- Goal 3 (Community-Based Service Learning): 6
Sample of Student Reflections
“I feel like I grew intellectually and emotionally the most during this process. I was able to develop my time management skills when I knew that I was the one responsible for completing all of the parts on time so that I would not fall behind. I also had never done an interview like this before, and I was really nervous, but I’m really glad that I had to do this for my paper. I think it is important to have this kind of experience as an interviewer because it helps you develop your social skills. Finding someone to interview proved to be the hardest part for me. I thought at first that I would need to talk to someone in the psychology department, but after some back and forth I figured out that the Department of Human Services would be better for my topic. By actively seeking out the right person to conduct an interview with and having good communication with my professor, I was able to get everything done that I needed to, even if it took me a little longer.”
– ENGL 1102H Student
“Having those physical limitations and material restrictions made me rethink my design ideas and forced me to be more creative with how I approached my work. I had to think about what I wanted to stand out most within my work and what I could do to fit in the rest, if I wished for it to. I think for any future projects, I will reflect back to this project to remember where I ran into problems and how I could solve them…I definitely took these for granted when creating digitally, but I will work harder to challenge myself in both fields to become a better artist.”
– ART 3091 Student
Moments from Experiential Learning Projects